Availability of the 2017 Registration Document

Europlasma announces that its 2017 Registration Document ("Document de Référence 2017") has been filed today with the "Autorité des Marchés Financiers" (AMF) under the number D.18-0436.

Read the press release in French

2017 Annual Results of the Group

Europlasma today announces its results for the year ended December 31, 2017, approved by the Board of Directors on April 17, 2018 and audited by the Auditors.

Read the press release in French

Europlasma announces an agreement with European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund improving the conditions of the 3rd tranche of convertible bonds

In accordance with the bond financing agreement and the schedule published, the third warrant of convertible bonds into shares (BEOCA) has been automatically exercised by the investor, European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund.

Read the press release (in French)